
I believe that these signs, wonders, healing, and miracles are for us who believe today. I will be sharing with you my life journey in pursuit of these greater works and I encourage you to participate and share your own experience as well. You can also share any prayer requests that you would like all the viewers to pray for. (Note: When posting comments about others, please only use first names and don't give unique details that can identify any individual to protect their privacy). Come back often and see what miraculeous things God is doing through His children.

Friday, April 5, 2013

The Secret to Moving in Greater Works

Want to know how to move in the supernatural?

Want to heal the sick, raise the dead, cause the blind to see and the deaf to hear; and to do the greater works that Jesus tells us we will do in John 14:12?  We can move in these greater works but it's not going to happen just by wishing for it or even going out and attempting these greater works.  We need to first be plugged into the source of where this authority and power comes from. That source is Jesus Christ. 

 Jesus says, "I am the vine; you are the branches.  If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing" (John 15: 5).  This was said right after Jesus told the disciples that ". . .anyone who has faith in me will do what I have been doing. He will do even greater things than these. . ."(John 14:12).  So to do what Jesus did and even "greater things" than He did while on the earth, we need to first remain in Jesus so we can bear much fruit.  If we don't remain in Him and be plugged into the source of our strength, Jesus tells us "we can do nothing."

I just finished reading a chapter in the Book: God's Supernatural Power in You, compiled by Frank DeCenso Jr.  It is a compilation by 12 well known apostolic leaders and authors who are experiencing great revivals, moving in signs and wonders, and these greater works. They reveal to us their experience and how they move in the God's Supernatural Power.  I just finished reading chapter three written by Heidi Baker titled: The Secret Is the Secret Place.

As many of you know, Heidi Baker along with her husband, Rolland, have been missionaries for over 30 years in Asia, Europe, and Africa.  They currently oversea Iris Ministries and minister to many children and people who live in Mozambique.  Healing the sick, causing blind eyes to see and the deaf to hear, including raising the dead is an everyday normal experience for them.  You can read more of these experiences in Rolland and Heidi Baker's book: There is Always Enough.

We can have this same everyday normal experience of moving in greater works as Heidi Baker does if we learn as she did that The Secret Is the Secret Place.  Below are some highlighted gems she gives in chapter three of the book: God's Supernatural Power in You:

"The secret place is the secret to revival. In the midst of my busy life overseeing thousands of churches, caring for thousands of children, and feeding thousands of people every day, Jesus spoke to me to reverse my schedule. He wants our time, He said, 'I want you to come away, my beloved. I want to woo you. I want to love you. I want you to live in this secret place. If you give me your mornings, I will give you a nation.'" (pg 49)

"He is not as concerned with how much we can do for Him as with how much holy passion fills our hearts for Him. Lovers outwork workers." (pg 50)

"I rearranged my daily schedule in Mozambique so that I do not start before 11 in the morning, except for times of prayer. . . The more people press in with needs and crises, the more I must press into His presence. The greater the daily challenges, the more I must pray. . ." (pg 51)

"He loves our intimacy more than miracles, more than seeing villages saved, and even more than seeing orphans fed. Like Romans 7:4 teaches, in order for us to bear fruit to God, we must be intimate with Jesus. All fruitfulness flows from that place of laid-down love. All fruitfulness flows from intimacy." (pg 53, italics were added for emphasis)

"We must behold His face to become like Him. Then we can dwell in the fire of His embrace. . . To dwell in this fire, we must fix our eyes on Jesus. Then, when people peer into our eyes, Jesus will look back at them." (pg 58)

"The secret to fruitfulness is intimacy. We must remain in God if God is to remain in us. It is impossible to bear fruit outside of life in the vine." (pg 59)

"It is not about being an eloquent speaker, man of power for the hour, or great revivalist. It is about being so close to the heart of God that you know what He's thinking. Then you are not afraid to go anywhere and say anything as His radical lovers." (pg 60)

"Many want lots of power and anointing, but when we just lie down and let Him love us to death and kiss us back to life, it is a truly powerful thing. . . all fruitfulness flows from intimacy." (pg 60)
The secret to moving in greater works and the supernatural is in finding the secret place with our heavenly Father.  Then our fruitfulness will flow from being with Him and remaining in Him for ". . .apart from [Him we] can do nothing" (John 15:5).


  1. Thanks for sharing this! I have admired Heidi Baker for a while, and now you have me wanting to read this chapter!

    1. This book is worth it just to read about Heidi Baker. But there are other great leader's experiences as well.
