
I believe that these signs, wonders, healing, and miracles are for us who believe today. I will be sharing with you my life journey in pursuit of these greater works and I encourage you to participate and share your own experience as well. You can also share any prayer requests that you would like all the viewers to pray for. (Note: When posting comments about others, please only use first names and don't give unique details that can identify any individual to protect their privacy). Come back often and see what miraculeous things God is doing through His children.

Friday, April 19, 2013

Anointing from Benny Hinn & Timothy Berry

I'm going to see Benny Hinn tomorrow night & Saturday morning. I'm also going to see Timothy Berry at Harvest Church on Saturday night at 7pm.   I hope to receive more - an impartation for more healing and words of knowledge.  Both of these are anointed men of God that flow in the supernatural.

I encourage you to go to as many anointed men or women of God that move in the supernatural to not only learn from them but also to receive an impartation for more.  I'm pressing in to receive more so that I can do the greater works God wants me to do.

Jesus imparted to the disciples the power of the Holy Spirit to heal the sick, raise the dead, and cast out demons (Luke 9:1-2).  The disciples in turn were told by Jesus to ". . . go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you" (Matt. 28:19-20, NIV). 

The "everything" included impartation of the Holy Spirit to be able perform the ". . .signs [which] will accompany those who believe: In my name they will drive out demons; they will speak in new tongues; . . . they will place their hands on sick people, and they will get well" (Mark 14:17-18, NIV italics mine).  These sign gifts are ment for "those who believe" not just the 12 Apostles.  These are for everyone who believes that includes us Christians in the 21st century.  These signs of healing the sick, raising the dead, casting out demons, as well as the other sign gifts should accompany every believer today. So go after the anointing as often as you can.  You can always receive more for the Holy Spirit is given "without limit" (John 3:34).


  1. Benny Hinn and his wife just got re-married in March after being apart for 10 years. He was sharing with us three simple keys to making sure to have a great marriage that he and his wife learned:

    1) Give your marriage over to God
    2) Communicate with your spouse - talk and spend time with each other.
    3) Always pray together at the end of every day.

    Easy isn't it. Then why don't more follow these simple steps? There would be less divorce and happy marriages. You should hear what these changes did for Benny and his wife.

  2. Went to see Benny Hinn Friday night and I received healing.

    I have been experiencing chest pains right below my heart since Febuary (right after I finished a 40 day fast). Benny Hinn asked us to put our hand on the place that needed prayer and while he was praying I felt and heard a pop right under my heart. It happened a second time when his nephew was interviewing me. I haven't experienced any more chest pains since then (that was over a week ago)
