
I believe that these signs, wonders, healing, and miracles are for us who believe today. I will be sharing with you my life journey in pursuit of these greater works and I encourage you to participate and share your own experience as well. You can also share any prayer requests that you would like all the viewers to pray for. (Note: When posting comments about others, please only use first names and don't give unique details that can identify any individual to protect their privacy). Come back often and see what miraculeous things God is doing through His children.

Monday, September 30, 2013

Day 46 - Head Ache Gone Without Aspirin

Day 46 of my 90 Day Journey to Experience More and after taking a month off to take care of some house keeping, I am now back in full swing and ready to finish the last half of my journey.  Today I approached 8 people; 5 received prayer; all had need of healing; and one person felt the power of the Spirit running down her back.  Last week I prayed for a guy with two amputated legs and while placing my order at Burger King, the cashier’s head ache disappeared when I prayed.  Read on to find out more. . .

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Day 45 - I Danced, God Blessed & Healed People

Day 45 of my 90 Day Journey to Experience More and we had many great encounters today ministering with friends.  I was at the park in the city with my church group where once a month we minister to the poor and homeless.  I went out onto the streets with the same group I was with last Friday (Chopper, Gina, & Jacob).  We talked to over 25 people; 13 people received prayer; 2 were healed; and 2 others confirmed miracles from a previous time when we prayed for them.  Read on to find out more. . .

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Day 44 - God Directed My Steps

Day 44 of my 90 Day Journey to Experience More and while I was out helping my mom with grocery shopping, God directed me toward a man who needed prayer.  Today I was only able to approach 3 people but only one wanted to receive prayer.   I know that this was a Devine appointment because of what happened after I prayed.  It seems that today God set up two Devine appointments. Read on to find out more.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Day 43 - Preaching Good News to the Poor

Day 43 of my 90 Day Journey to Experience More and I went downtown Baltimore to minister with a pastor friend of mine who just started a Bible study in the city park to the poor.  I didn’t have that much opportunity to pray for a lot of people but I loved sharing the good news of the Gospel with others who needed to hear some good news.  Read on to find out more. . .