
I believe that these signs, wonders, healing, and miracles are for us who believe today. I will be sharing with you my life journey in pursuit of these greater works and I encourage you to participate and share your own experience as well. You can also share any prayer requests that you would like all the viewers to pray for. (Note: When posting comments about others, please only use first names and don't give unique details that can identify any individual to protect their privacy). Come back often and see what miraculeous things God is doing through His children.

Friday, June 21, 2013

Day 7 - I Wondered At Their Unbelief

Today was day 7 of my 90 Day Journey to Experience More and it was a great week.  WOW! I have experienced more healings and miracles in one week than I have ever experienced - 6 healings in all. Praise the Lord!  With that said, today's experience was different than the rest.  I can say the same thing of my experience today that Jesus said of His home town, "[I] wondered at their unbelief" (Mark 6:6, NASB).  Instead of ministering in my home town today as Jesus did which caused their unbelief, I was ministering in a more affluent community then the past six days.  The results are interesting.  Out of the 10 people I approached today, only 3 said I could pray for them but even those 3 didn't seem to have much faith that anything was going to happen after I prayed.  And as they expected or believed no healing took place today.  There seems to be a correlation between the lack of response I got asking others to pray for healing and this affluent community.  Read on for more details of what I learned today.

This is not necessarily conclusive evidence of a correlation between a rich community and lack of faith however Jesus did say in Matt 19:23, "Truly I say to you, it is hard for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven"  and then He goes on to say in verse 26, ". . .but with God all things are possible" (NASB).  I am not saying that God doesn't want to bless the rich.  On the contrary the Bible says that "the house of the righteous contains great treasure" (Prov. 15:6, NIV) and there are many other promises in scripture for prosperity for those who delight in the Lord.  However, I think with affluence for some bring self sufficiency and independence away from God and therefore it might be harder for them to be totally dependent on God's provision for them.

I know from my experience ministering in Baltimore city with those who are homeless or don't have much seem to want prayer more than those in more affluent communities.  I have also heard that those poorer countries who are in desperate need and have very little are experiencing greater numbers of healings and miracles than in the United States a more prosperous country.  I don't think we should stop ministering to prosperous communities because of the possibility that they might not respond.  We need to be more like Jesus in which He said, "The Son can do nothing by himself; he can do only what he sees his Father doing, because whatever the Father does the Son also does" (John 5:19, NIV).  Therefore, we need to do whatever the Father is doing and go wherever the Holy Spirit leads us because "all things are possible" with God.

After a full week of going out every day to experience more I have discovered that it is taking most of my day to minister to others and then write up my experience and I love doing both.  However, if I continue every day like this I will not have any time to do anything else.  So I decided that I will continue my 90 Day Journey to Experience More on Monday through Friday and allow Saturdays and Sundays away from my journey so that I will be able attend to other things that need to be done. 

I can't wait to see what God's going to do this weekend and on Monday when I start back on my 8th Day of the Journey to Experience More.  Check back often to see what God is doing in my life and send a word of encouragement to me in the comments below or consider starting a journey yourself.  Thanks for your prayers and encouragement.

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